Posts Tagged ‘Relationship’

Mar 19

Normal Am I

by in Everyday Nonsense | 6,132 views | Reading Time 3:06

How normal do you think you are? How normal do you think I am? Do you think anyone you know is actually normal? The real question may actually revolve around what normal actually means. Our current world’s perception of what is acceptable as the norm is probably in a different galaxy from what people thought […]

Feb 27

Trickle Down

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,941 views | Reading Time 3:00

Ever wonder if what you say or do affects anyone? I’m sure most, if not all, people believe their life does in fact impact the lives of those around them, but how much? Do you think that only the most important statements or things you have done mean the most in how others interact with […]

Feb 8

Judge Yourself

by in Everyday Nonsense | 4,651 views | Reading Time 2:55

How often do you judge others? How often do you condemn the actions of those you barely know? How often do you look down on the people you know when they fail to meet the higher standards you apply to them? How often do you judge… and not judge yourself? My faith tells me that […]

Feb 1

Differentiation Integrity

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,538 views | Reading Time 3:07

What makes you different than your competitors? What qualities about you or your product makes you stand out? How do you promote these traits, factors, or values in a manner in which you retain your integrity? How do you market yourself with a positive attitude while staying true to your ethical business standards and practices? […]

Jan 25

Unconscious Deposit

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,556 views | Reading Time 3:02

I was involved in a discussion about relationships that broke out at work a few days ago. The ideology of a “Love Bank” and making deposits came about while we talked about several themes from various flavors of relationship self help books. One of the main ideas is that people should focus on the things […]

Jan 22

Realistic Versus Pessimistic

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,370 views | Reading Time 2:52

I sometimes call myself a realist. I am not an eternal optimist. There are lots of times when I am an optimist, but the facts and surrounding influences must be favorable for my “walking out on a limb.” I have hope, but I temper that with my experiences of the world and my general working […]

Jan 15

Unfocused Focus

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,378 views | Reading Time 2:59

Ever have a meeting about a meeting or make a plan to make a plan? Do you ever find yourself having the same conversations with people time and again going over the procedures of how to move forward but you always end up in the same position you were in before even opening your mouth? […]

Jan 12

Building Pride & Ego

by in Everyday Nonsense | 12,895 views | Reading Time 3:10

We all relish the times when our personal pride bucket becomes full and overflowing… our egos grow exponentially as a result of the overwhelming fullness of ourselves. Many people fill a void in their life by focusing on growing their pride and associated ego. Some do it knowingly while others do it just because they […]

Jan 5

Standard of Commitment

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,034 views | Reading Time 2:55

For anyone who knows me, they can attest to the fact that I’m an all or nothing kind of guy. I’m either all in, or all out. Rarely do I enter into anything and not give my best effort. That is my standard of commitment… what is yours? Do you place any value upon the commitments […]

Dec 28

Standard & New Resolutions

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,310 views | Reading Time 3:27

New Years is around the corner… do you have your resolutions ready? Are there some burning issues in your heart and mind that you are waiting for January 1st to roll around to begin your journey towards achieving? Are your resolutions for the upcoming year much different than the ones you have routinely put forth […]