adventures of my mind

Take a Stand

May 13th, 2008 by | Word Count: 1060 | Reading Time 4:22 2,897 views

I think it’s time for another movie review. If you’ve seen my first two reviews, you know it’s not just a typical movie review, but a bit more. I like to pick things out from the movie that spark thoughts within me and go from there. The latest movie that provided this spark was a good movie, “Bella.” Bella is a movie that is not your typical cinematic experience. It actually throws away any large budget or flakey dramatic twist or “chic-flickiness.” It is a very good drama that allows you to feel what the actors are portraying. There are scenes where you can just “feel” the mood and sincerity from the production. If you are looking for a good movie that doesn’t fall into the prerequisite fanfare that it seems our current movie production companies adhere to, Bella is a good rental for you. It also helps that the movie is inspired by a true story. Remember though, inspired does not mean an actual account of the truth. Nevertheless, I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a movie that truly feels like you are watching a true to life story.

Now that we have that out of the way (and I’m not going to spoil the movie for anyone), let’s get into something that piqued my interest during the movie. There was an occurrence in the movie of the dreaded “A” word. If you know what I’m talking about, good for you, I’m sure you have some instant opinion on that subject. If not, the word I’m talking about is “Abortion.” If you are a regular reader of this site, I’m pretty sure you can guess my personal stance on the issue. Just to make it clear, I am vehemently opposed to abortion. I know all the liberal ideology about how it’s the woman’s body and it’s their decision and it’s their right and all the psycho babble that comes with that argument, there is nothing new to the argument and hasn’t been since Roe v. Wade.

My simple proposal to the entire issue is this, replace this particular “A” word with another “A” word. I’m sure you can guess what it is also. Replace Abortion with Adoption. Yes, I agree, it is your body and you have the right to do anything with it you like. Read that statement. Your body is a very big portion of that. What about the life being created within “your body” makes it entirely yours? Why do you have absolute power over its existence or not? Sure, you may not believe it has a soul until birth, or you may not believe it’s alive until its breathing. You may have lots of potential “if” and “until” statements regarding pregnancy. That’s fine and that’s your own path to choose. However, why should the child growing in your pregnancy have to pay the price of its life because you don’t want it? Can’t afford it, can’t handle it, don’t have the room, don’t want to put on weight, not ready, father doesn’t want to help, people will make fun of me, my church will look down upon me, there are thousands if not millions of excuses NOT to have a child. EXCUSES!

There are many families in this world that try every day of their lives for years to have children and cannot conceive. There are many families in this world that have lost their children to diseases or accidents that are looking for a child to help and raise and provide love to. My proposal is simple. If you do not want a child and find yourself pregnant, rather than ending the life of a person who can be loved by wonderful people, save the life of the infant and allow someone to legally adopt. Sounds simple in writing and theory, of course it’s not my body that is going to gain 30 lbs and make my back hurt and make my life turn upside down. I’ll have to agree, it is easy and simple to say and write. I won’t argue that pregnancy is hard, I’ve heard the stories, been around lots of pregnant women (one is my sister who has 5 kids) and they all seem to be ok after 9 months of “torture.” I don’t see any growing segment of crazy mothers out there ranting and raving about how pregnancy has destroyed their lives.

Yes, it’s 9 months of your life that you will have to deal with. But is 9 months so hard to live through if you can provide a family with a lifetime of love and memories? Just because you had an “accident” and don’t want to deal with the circumstances, it doesn’t make it right that you can end the life with a pill or a quick trip to the clinic. Don’t want to get pregnant, guess what, stop playing house and make decisions like mature adults. Sure, there are mistakes and accidents, but as with all mistakes and accidents, we pay the consequences of having done them. If you view a pregnancy as an accident or mistake, don’t make the child pay the consequences for your actions, how fair is that? Pay the consequences yourself and quite possibly, learn a valuable lesson in the process. Maybe you will decide NOT to give the baby up for adoption. Maybe you will change your mind and decide to raise it with your own love in its mother’s arms.

It all comes down to one thing. Love. Do you love enough to keep the child? Do you love enough to work through the pregnancy and provide another family a child to love? Do you love? If you are selfish enough to override love in your life, then abortion is an option according to our current laws. Yes, I said it. Selfish. How else can you explain it? When it comes down to the basic argument of abortion, it means you care more about yourself than a living being within you. It IS that simple.

I may or may not have offended some who have read this and if so, I apologize. You can enter into a mature debate below. I’m not placing blame upon anyone, but I am offering a solution to the matter. Choose adoption over abortion. Create, do not destroy. Love, not hate.

3 Responses »

  1. Bob
    on May 13th, 2008 at 9:31 pm:

    I believe that a lot of people would change their minds if they were to personally talk to some people that were adopted,and also talk to the mothers that have given their children up for adoption.
    I personally know people who have been adopted and I also know parents of children that were adopted.I have yet to meet anyone that said that my Mother should have aborted me. They understood the reasons behind their adoptions,as well as the Mothers they never said or insinuated that they wish that their children had been aborted.

    We have all kinds of lawyers that will defend murderers on death row,saying that it is cruel and inhumane punishment to take these peoples lives, but who is standing up for these “CHILDREN” and yes I did say “CHILDREN” that can’t tell you how they feel.Is this cruel and inhumane punishment? You d–n right it is!!! When people think more of the murderers in prison and more about their pets than they do about the smallest child. Almost every day we see or hear on the news about animal cruelty.
    It makes you wonder where peoples values and morals have went.

    I could not imagine saying, hey little fella you would be way to much trouble for me to keep or afford so tomorrow we are going to do away with you. I understand that there are some instances that may warrant an abortion but that should be a last resort.

    Like the old saying goes “Its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.” Shouldn’t these little children have a choice to love and be loved? I think so. And if I hurt someones feelings,oh well, maybe they needed a wake up call. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I do not believe in abortion!!!

  2. Jeanie
    on May 13th, 2008 at 10:30 pm:

    How about the doctors having pregnant women getting their unborn babies tested for Down Syndrome or other possible defects… and then these doctors telling mothers to think about destroying a baby because a test came back positive? Just throw the innocent babe in the trash, because it might not be what the world perceives as perfect. I’ve also heard of mothers choosing not to abort after given such advice and these same babies coming out with nothing wrong with them.

    Just this past week, there was a newborn thrown in a big dumpster alive. A man throwing some grass away heard a cry and with some help, found the baby covered with garbage!

    That’s what the world is coming to.

  3. Robert
    on May 13th, 2008 at 10:46 pm:

    You both have given very good comments. Our world has allowed us to mitigate the value of an unborn child’s life to that of a decision about convenience. Since when was being pregnant such a distasteful event? I feel sad for the families that are not given the blessing of children and want them. With the amount of aborted babies we see statistically, we should not have anyone on a waiting list to fulfill their dreams of a family.

    It’s heartbreaking to think of all that might have been from the unborn children. How many smiles they would have created, how many new memories they could have created, how many rooms filled with laughter would there have been, and the list goes on. People need to take a look at their values and morals if they believe that it’s “ok” to remove a perfectly viable fetus from the womb.

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