Posts Tagged ‘Gimmick’

Dec 8

Devilish Money

by in Everyday Nonsense | 2,319 views | Reading Time 2:34

At times in my life, I have thought that maybe, just maybe, all of the ideas about “how to make money utilizing the latest gimmick” had been mined and thoroughly beaten to a pulp. I’m not talking about new inventions or ideas, I’m talking about the “how to” books you see that continually appear on […]

Dec 6

Campaign Dollars Spent

by in Political Beefs | 5,766 views | Reading Time 2:58

Since the Presidential campaign ended with a decisive Electoral College vote in favor of Barack Obama, information has been leaked from both campaigns detailing how thousands and in some cases, millions, of dollars were spent trying to win the election. We all know about the television advertising and online ads purchased by both campaigns, nothing […]

Sep 26

Multitask Gimmick

by in Political Beefs | 2,154 views | Reading Time 2:45

Our current economic woes have handcuffed our running political campaigns. On one hand, it has given the two candidates specific talking points to showcase their ability to deal with imminent crisis. On the other, it has completely obliterated the need to focus upon education, tax reform, social security, military, and foreign policy as debating issues. […]

Sep 9

Government May I?

by in Political Beefs | 2,691 views | Reading Time 3:25

We’ve all heard the saying “Mother may I?” either as a child or as a rule-testing teen or young adult. More often than not, the term is spoken with laced sarcasm. Asking for permission is not one of human nature’s greatest traits. We enjoy free will and most of us abuse it by solely focusing […]

Sep 1

Ultimate Gimmick

by in Political Beefs | 2,586 views | Reading Time 3:00

Now that we have had a few days to digest John McCain’s running mate choice of Sarah Palin as his Vice President, how are you feeling about it? Were you overwhelmed with excitement upon hearing the news? Did you stare at the television in shocked silence wondering who in the world did they just announce […]